Pongola Floodplain (Tlou)

Background Information Document:

Reserve determination of priority water resources in the Usuthu, Pongola, Lake Sibayi, Mkuze, Mfolozi and Mhlatuze catchments

This Background Information Document (BID) is to inform water users and other stakeholders in the Usutu Mhlatuze Water Management Area (WMA) of the Reserve Determination studies that are being done for selected surface and groundwater resources in the Usutu Mhlatuze WMA.

Stakeholders are invited to raise issues and concerns about the project to ensure that all relevant issues are investigated and included in the Reserve Determination process. Your comments will be considered during the study process and submitted to the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS).

Zambezi Delta (ICF)
Olifants Basin (Southern Waters)