README **** “TRIAL VERSION” INSTALLATION” *****(Full folder structure and demo)

For installation when no previous DRIFT versions or projects have been installed

  1. Please download the whole zipped folder (34 Mb) and unzip it directly into your C: drive.

You should then have a main folder:

With two subfolders:


The Bin folder contains the software executable: Drift2_V4.06.exe.

Double click to start DRIFT, or place a shortcut on your Desktop as you prefer.

Also contained in the Bin folder is the DRIFT Studio version key: DRIFT_Workshop_Studio_Key–1020.Key.

This version of the license allows you to “have a look around” and perform various functions, e.g. change response curves.


The   C:DRIFTData   folder contains a Demo project (C:DRIFTDataDemo) and a template (blank project).

You can explore the various sections and functions of DRIFT by exploring the Demo version

README **** INSTALLATION” *****(Only *.exe and *.key)

For installation when a previous version of the software or the licence key has been installed

  1. Download the zipped folder which only contains the Readme, the *.exe and the *.key.

Unzip into    C:DRIFTBin  so as to overwrite the existing *.exe and / or *.key

For more information

Feel free to send us a message and we will get back to you.